Saturday, September 12, 2009


One reason the terror of 9/11/01 happened is that the people who hijacked the airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade center and the Pentagon, were NOT political terrorists. They were RELIGIOUS FANATICS who cannot tolerate any followers of any other religion. These were apparently Muslim extremists who believe that if you are not Islamic, and not a follower of their prophet Mohammed, then you are Satan. Since America is predominantly Christian, and because of OIL INTERESTS, America has killed hundreds of thousands of Islamic people, like recently in Iraq, and less recently in Iran, well then THEY think that America is Satan’s home. Yes, they think this is Hell and Americans are Satan worshipers, Anti Muslim and further, are probably all better off dead. Actually this separatist religious insanity predates the Muslim religion and its roots of hatred and intolerance can be found deeply imbedded in Christian beliefs.

Actually the Christian religion is the most fanatic of them all because followers must believe that Jesus Christ was the ONE AND ONLY PROPHET of God. That all other religious prophets of the world (Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, whomever) are FALSE prophets, and that Jesus was furthermore the Son of God, and if you don’t believe this you will die, go to Hell and burn there in pain, torture and misery for eternity. And further, anyone who doesn’t believe this is not just a heathen, but may be a servant of the devil, or Satan himself, or maybe even the Anti-Christ. And throughout most of history, and even today, Christians have tortured and murdered millions of innocent people who do not accept their beliefs, even other Christians as we have seen in Northern Ireland, just like these Muslims recently killed many Americans. There is a simple reason for this. If you can’t be saved, then you are doomed to rot and burn in Hell for all eternity anyway so you might as well be killed because if left alive your disbelief could poison the rest of the flock.

Today both Muslim and Christian religions don’t leave much room for tolerance or getting along, DON’T THEY? Oh sure, Moses, Christ and Mohammed all preached to “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” and that “THOU SHALL NOT KILL,” but this was a long time ago and since then we have let so called “HOLY MEN” distort and corrupt just about every word these beautiful prophets spoke. Now most religions fear of SATAN overrides any thoughts of “LOVE” and “GETTING ALONG.”

When will people understand that ALL organized religions of the world are SEPARATISTS MOVEMENTS? No major organized religion of the world invites others who believe differently to worship and pray alongside them in their churches, without hope of eventually brainwashing, converting, or SAVING them.

I am so sick of ORGANIZED religion I could puke. This is simply because they are ALL insecure, intolerant, unloving, spiritually retarded idiots. Most are also exclusive and private country clubs that think they are the only ones who understand exactly what God wants. They act like they have a direct satellite link-up with God and talk daily and that they are right and everyone else is wrong, in fact not just wrong but doomed to everlasting hell or maybe even a servant of Satan himself. Again, not much tolerance or love there!

I have a hard time believing that anyone is still naive enough to think that religious people won’t harm anyone. Spiritual people don’t, but what does spiritual have to do with organized religion anyway? Almost every major organized religion on this planet has a long history of torture and murder. Of all religions, Christians are by far the worst murderers on this planet. Some might argue that Christians don’t kill innocent people out of religious fanaticism like the Muslims but I beg to differ. From the crusades to the Middle East and Europe 1,000 years ago to the present day the Christians have been the biggest fanatical religious murderers on the planet, and surely the most horrific.

In London they have a museum of torture that has the worst tortures I have ever seen anywhere in the world. They show people who were slowly crushed to death by adding one additional stone every day onto the chest until you finally couldn’t take one more breath and slowly suffocated. It took days to die. They also show how they cut your abdomen and pulled out your colon and intestines, while you were still alive, and then forced you to watch as they burnt your bowels in a fire, again while they were still attached. Other tortures involved slowly crushing the penis and testes on men and the hammering of iron spikes up into a woman’s female organs. All, done in the name of Christ by the Christians trying to convert. Yes, Christians have tortured maimed and killed more people on this planet in the name of God than any other religion.

In fact in Southern California there was a beautiful group of Indians called the Chumash. They lived on the beaches and nearby hills, fishing, gathering food and never bothered nor harmed anybody. The Christians came in and set up missions to convert these heathen Redskins to Christianity. And when these loving, beautiful natives wouldn’t become slaves to the missions and convert, well they were all murdered –every last one, all 10,000 of them.

Yes organized religions, every one of them, have murdered thousands if not millions and millions of innocent people. Even recent history is full of religious intolerance and murder. How about Northern Ireland where Christians murder each other (Protestants and Catholics) in the streets almost every day, and Yugoslavia where the Muslims and Christians have been cleansing entire families? Even entire villages of men, women and children were killed. Parents were tortured and forced to kill their own children and vice versa. Religious cleansers murdered hundreds of thousands of people and buried them in mass graves and this has been going on in this same area for almost 1,000 years. How about Iraq where Christians against Muslims, we slaughtered 250,000 Muslims to protect Kuwait or to protect our oil interests. Kuwait is a little sliver of sand that used to be Iraq only a few years ago. We condemn China (Buddhists, Taoists and Confucians) for killing each other and their lack of human rights but fight a war to protect Kuwait where a woman has fewer rights than a dog, has to keep her head covered at all times, can’t leave the house without a man, is forced to have her clitoris surgically removed, can be whipped and beaten in public if her face cover slips and where a man can beat a woman to death without breaking the law.

How about the Atheist or unreligions like Adolph Hitler’s Nazis and Russia’s Marx, Stalin and Lenin who Killed millions of Jews and Muslims in their antireligious cleansings, and then killed millions of each other? Then the Jews invaded Palestine (Jews against Muslims) just after World War II and stole back their land. This one may never be settled because Christ was a relative newcomer here. They have been fighting tribe against tribe as far back as Moses, the Egyptian Dynasties and probably far back before recorded history, killing more people than we will ever know. God bless Jimmy Carter for trying to bring peace to the Middle East where there hasn’t been any for 4,000, 5,000, maybe 6,000 years. Let’s just say since the beginning of time. In many towns in Israel, including the holy city of Jerusalem, there are 1,000 year old Muslim temples built on top of 2,000 year old buried Christian holy sites, built over 3,000 year old ancient Jewish holy sites, built over 4,000 year old Egyptian temples. All built on top of one another. How should we divide this up?

How about the Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan who have been murdering each other for centuries and who both have atomic bombs now? The past 200 years have seen millions die in Africa as the Dutch, English and French (Christian against Zulu and various Tribal Religions) have raped and plundered the Dark Continent, Hardly putting a dent in the millions more killed in the numerous recent and ongoing civil wars in Africa over the past thirty years where they are doing a fine job killing off hundreds of thousands of themselves (Tribal against Tribal).

I haven’t even scratched the surface of killing for God, but I could sum this all up by saying that the general theme that runs through almost all of the world’s religions, not just extremist Muslim, is that if you can’t be converted, then you are probably better off dead.

If history dictates anything it is that fanatical, religious zealot extremists of all faiths, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc., along with a horde of extremist Atheists who hate the religious, are responsible for killing millions and millions and millions of men, women and children on this planet. Not killed for politics, but for PROPHETS and PROFITS. All killed in the name of GOD! Can I get an AMEN?

First let me be very clear. I definitely do not condone this or any terrorist attack. These sick religious freaks that will kill innocent men, women and children should be recycled as soon as possible. Let me be extremely clear, if anyone ever comes into my house and threatens me or my family I will kill them first if necessary, with absolutely no hesitation, and then sort things out later. We should hunt these murdering scum down and kill them, period. On this planet there are good guys and bad guys. It is that simple. The good guys are people who just want to enjoy their lives, living long, happy and loving lives prospering physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then there are the bad guys who want to stop us and hurt us and our families. Sometimes these bad guys are very religious and believe it is up to them to do God’s work. Sometimes these bad guys are anti one religion or another, or like Hitler, just mean, bad, insane and rotten to the core. They are not like you and me. They are bad insane people and should be incarcerated or killed.

But as far as organized outright war is concerned, I am against it. This is mainly because the way we wage war today, the innocent people, especially the women and children, are caught up in it and often killed. And when this happens, we are no better than our enemy. I do believe in strategically removing terrorists and hostile leaders, killing them if necessary to stop them from killing us, our children and other innocent people. The problem in all of this is to not become terrorists ourselves. I see very little difference in walking into a marketplace and exploding a bomb around our waists, and firing howitzers twenty miles from a ship at sea into that same marketplace. In both cases people are killed without regard to age, race, sex or even military status.

I am against war, all wars. My first war history lesson came when I was a very young child and had the opportunity to sit on the lap of a Union soldier from the Civil War. He asked me if I knew what the Civil War was and I told him that I was. I told him, “The Civil War was to free the slaves.” He laughed out loud, I will never forget, and he said, “Hell boy, we didn’t give a shit about the slaves. The Civil War was just about the economics, see up here in the north, we couldn’t make anything as cheap as those rebs because they had slaves which meant free labor, and we didn’t. We had to kick their ass or go broke, it was that simple.” That was not what I learned in the school books.

It’s not America, love it or leave it, it’s America, I love it enough to change it. After all, I don’t believe that being an American means to blindly follow what every president, vice president or member of congress say to do, let alone follow them into battle. To me, this freedom and free thinking is what makes America great and is patriotic. History dictates that after the fact, many wars have been found to have agendas that were deeply hidden from the American people.

Many young Americans were gassed, beaten, arrested and imprisoned on numerous occasions in the ‘60's and ‘70's for their beliefs against the war in Viet Nam. Millions of people here at home, that far outnumbered the amount of soldiers in Vietnam, protested against the war. Numerous Federal Buildings were bombed in America by American citizens. Because of this civil disobedience, the war in Vietnam became so extremely unpopular that the war was ended prematurely bringing the rest of our brothers and fathers and sisters and sons home. Protests also ended up having the vice president and eventually the president of the United States both removed from office for the first time in history.

I was against Desert Storm in Iraq. But once we were in it and committed, why did we leave the leader of the opposing Army alive and well? The fact that we were attacked by his kind again, is this really so surprising? Even Gandhi, the great pacifist said of fighting wars, that one should be completely nonviolent, even to the point of letting them kill your family and yourself if necessary, this is the power of nonviolence. I disagree with his thoughts on this, but he also said that if you cannot tolerate this and are going to be violent, then be totally violent until you achieve victory. He said that a man that can do neither is a waste and a burden on his family and the community.

What is my point? I am not for outright war. I am for arresting, incarcerating and even killing the fanatic leaders who have killed the innocent. I am also for offering food and aid to the people who have been suffering under the thumb of these fanatic rulers.

TOLERANCE is to recognize and respect other people’s religions, beliefs, customs and practices, no matter how different or alien they may seem, and no matter how conflicting they may be to our own personal beliefs.

Isn’t this what America is really all about–allowing people to peacefully practice their own personal beliefs, as long as they don’t bother or hurt anyone else? The very first amendment to the Constitution of the United States is all about freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It states that “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble” . . .meaning that the government of the United States won’t back any particular religion nor condemn any particular religion and that anyone has the right to believe in any god or prophet they choose, speak about it, print it and gather and worship, peacefully.

The problem today in America isn’t the government prohibiting freedom of religion, but the American Christian Churches filling the hearts and minds of their congregations with intolerance and fear, condemning ALL other religions and beliefs as blasphemy, and even Satanic worship.

Yes, I do believe in freedom, including freedom of religion. I strongly believe that any person has the right to believe anything they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone else. So I am OK with the millions of Christians who believe that if you don’t believe and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is your savior, and the Son of God that you will BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. I am OK with the Muslim extremists that think Christians are Satan and the Jews that think that the Muslims are devil dogs. In fact I am OK with what any paranoid, misguided, emotionally insecure, sociopathic, schizophrenic religious zealot wants to think, as long as they keep their vomit to themselves and don’t spew it on me or anyone else.

I even believe that all these religious separatist groups have the right to assemble, and preach ad nauseam about how they are the chosen ones or the latter day saints and everyone else is a misguided fool that will miss paradise and end up burning in hell. I believe they have the right to print books about their beliefs. But I think they should be watched, and watched closely. Why? Because sooner or later all of them start to think that the rest of us need to be SAVED.

If there is any hope for the future, and I believe there is, then we have to teach our children that there are many paths to God, not just one, even if we don’t understand them. We need to stop worrying about people who look different and don’t believe as we do. We don’t have to worry about their souls either and try to convert or save them. All we need to do is mind our own business, love ourselves, our families, love God if we want to, practice our own beliefs and if you believe in God, well then God will sort it all out in the end anyway. Obviously this tolerance thing will take some work. We can start by healing our insecurity and fear of the unknown and by being more loving. Time is running out, so why not start today?

When in doubt, stop paying attention to the other guy and work on yourself. If I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times, “Why is it that I take better care of myself than he does, but he is always healthy and has tons of energy and I am always sick?” They need to stop paying attention to the other guy and pay more attention to what they themselves are doing. The most powerful way to convince anyone to do anything is to be a shining example yourself, and they will come running. After all, the real power to influence others is by setting a great example yourself.

If everyone of us would take the time they spend worrying about the other guy, and condemning their beliefs, and trying to prove that their way is the right way and the only way, and just get closer to their loved ones, their family, their prophets and their God, the rest of the world would want what we have.

If history proves anything it is that our endless trying to convert and SAVE the heathens always ends with our having to kill them or them killing us. It never has ended in peace, laughter and bliss with people hugging each other. In fact, if you look around the world today at this gigantic fighting mess, this is the outcome of intolerance and sticking our noses into everybody else’s business. Instead we need to be looking into the mirror to examine our own spiritual path, and then raise it to a higher level. We can all use more work in this direction.

If we are to survive as a people, as a world and as a planet, we all need to lighten up a bit, and some of us a whole lot. If there is a God, and I have my own, I know that the last thing God would want for all of us is to be fighting and killing each other in the name of God and arguing about what God wants. When my God speaks to me I hear LOVE more, LAUGH more, enjoy life to the fullest because this is my gift to you. Oh yeah, and be nice to each other. I don’t think this is too much to ask in return for the greatest gift that we know so far, life her on earth.

When in doubt, try LOVE. Most people find it easy to hate, even easier to be angry and fight, but the hardest thing for most people to do is LOVE and make Peace.

So as you hear remarks every day like, “Let’s bomb those rag heads back to the stone age” and “The only good sand nigger is a dead one,” you must realize there may be an option to vaporizing Afghanistan and Iraq. That option is to show all the people of the Middle East and Muslim nations our restraint and that we do not murder the innocent like the terrorists did. To show them not only our strength but also our commitment to world peace, and also our TOLERANCE, our SPIRITUAL STRENGTH and our LOVE.

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