Friday, May 7, 2010


There is a lot going on today in the political fabric of the country. Some of it is out in the open, but some of it is down deep in the tufts of that fabric, almost hidden.

Exposed to the light of day already have been "Oath Keepers." Be very careful, they sound right but they forget to tell you about those "Orders We Will Not Obey." They don't tell you who it is that determines what qualifies as an order they will obey. In the Real America the Supreme Court says what is constitutional and what isn't. In the Oath Keepers, that court doesn't exist. And, to top it all off these people have been trained in weapons, in most cases, by the same government they want to disobey. In the Oath Keepers, the individual determines what orders they will obey. Can you imagine what would happen during a war or other armed conflict if the individual soldier determined what orders he or she would obey?

More recently there has been a rise in a couple of new "Militia" type organizations. One is called "American Grand Jury." This seems to be a loosely organized group of citizens that want to take the law into their own hands. Citizen's arrest and "Common Law" juries are their trademark and mostly they are an older group. On the other hand we are starting to see more of the "Council of Conservative Citizens." This is and outgrowth of the old "White Citizens Council," a white supremacy group. Be careful of all these groups. Any group that puts one group above another, or one group below another, are people of which you should be cautious.

Here are some other organizations in Arkansas of which you need to be aware:
National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations Revival, the Nation of Islam, and the Aryan Terror Brigade have groups all over Arkansas.

In the Ozarks we have:
--Heritage Connection, Christian Books and Things, Kingdom Identity Ministries, Knights of the KKK, and Ozark Craft LC all of Harrison.
--The Church of Jesus Christ and White Pride Home School Resource Center in Bergman.
--League of the South in Hot Springs, Mammoth Springs and Alpena.
--White Revolution and The Natural State Skinheads of Russelville.
--Tightrope of Calico Rock.

To my friends out in California, you also have several groups that are statewide. Some of those are the Aryan Nations Revival, Knights of the Nordic Order, KKK, Black Panthers, League of the South, Nation of Islam, and the Volksfront.

To my New Mexico Friends:
--The Front Line Aryans work throughout the state.

To my family in Maryland:
--You have everything under the sun in your state. If they hate, or if they love too much or too hard . . . they probably need to be avoided.

To my family in Texas:
--Texas is so large that it has everything under the sun going after it. The biggies in the Ft. Worth area are groups calling themselves "European-American Unity and Rights Organizations." You also have League of the South, The National Alliance as well as the obvious ones like the KKK, and various Skinhead groups.

In Southern California you have:
--American Renaissance, American Third Position, Biblical Family Advocates, Freedom 14, Golden State Party, Institute for Historical Review, the Noontide Press, OMNI Christian Book Club and White Revolution.

If you are aware of any of these organizations or if one of your friends has become involved in one, this is your warning. They are very seductive and very dangerous.

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