Friday, April 30, 2010

An Open Letter to The Tea Party

Dear Tea Party;
Where the hell have you been?

We just went through the most horrendous eight years of tragic leadership that I've ever seen. Where the hell were you then?

Back almost 10 years ago the Supreme Court Stopped a legal recount and appointed a President and Vice President against the wishes of the majority of the American People. Where the hell were you then?

Back about 8 years ago, the energy policy of the United States was decided in a closed meeting held by Dick Cheney, ex-CEO of Halliburton, one of the largest energy services companies in the World. Those present were the energy company officials and Cheney would not allow any reporters in and the minutes of that meeting were not allowed to be released to the public. Where the hell were you then?

A CIA operative was outed by contacts and staffers of Vice President Dick Cheney. Where the hell were you then?

Dick Cheney shot a fellow hunter, an attorney, in the face and didn't report it for days. I know, some attorneys just need being shot, but where the hell were you then?

The Patriot Act was passed which directly subverted the Constitution and with that act the government started unconstitutionally wiretapping citizens of the United States. Where the hell were you then?

We invaded Iraq and have spent so far over 600 Billion dollars and several thousand lives on a war against a country that was not a threat to us. Were the hell were you then?

We found out we were actually Torturing people at Gitmo. Where the hell were you then?

The reason we invaded Iraq was to divert attention away from the fact that we couldn't find bin Laden. Where the hell were you then?

Our servicemen and women, who had suffered so much in Iraq, were submitted to horrible conditions at Walter Reed Veterans Hospital. Where the hell were you then?

The Super Rich received a 900 Billion dollar tax break but nothing for the middle class. Where the hell were you then?

By the use of reconciliation, a trillion dollars of our tax monies was stolen by various insurance companies for Medicare Advantage, which costs over 20% more for basically the same services that are covered by Medicare alone. Where the hell were you then?

Under Bush our debt hit over thirteen trillion dollars and our deficit hit the trillion dollar mark after he had received a surplus from Clinton. Where the hell were you then?

You finally decided to show up when the U. S. government decided that everyone in the United States, not just the rich, deserved the RIGHT to see a doctor if they are sick. Why in hell does that piss you off?

Let's look at this . . . we've had illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing tax dollars to make the rich richer, and you're OK with that but helping other Americans pisses you off? Who the hell do you think you are?

While you are reassessing your priorities, I'll reassess you. I just don't think you come up to the level required by most of us to back in an election.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is This The Way It Works?

A red headed fellow born in Ireland named Padraic Kelley went to Canada about 10 years ago and within 2 years had illegally crossed the U. S. border into Buffalo New York. From there he moves down to Phoenix Arizona and starts a small construction business that builds pole barn like structures and he hires three men to help him build the structures. After the Arizona legislature passed the new immigration bill and the Governor signed it, he was immediately asked to show his immigration status and when he couldn't he was arrested and sent back to Ireland . . . THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN AND IT WON'T HAPPEN!

A blond German Fellow named Hans Van Duessel got a visa to go to Mexico to study in 1983. He did go to Mexico and studied for 3 years then decided to illegally cross the border to the North into the United States. He did that over 20 years ago and after working in a vineyard south of Tucson for 10 years he bought some land and started his own small vineyard and sold his products to local taverns and eateries. He was making great progress until the Arizona legislature passed the new immigration law and the Governor signed it . . . at that time he was asked to show he was in the U. S. legally and when he couldn't he was arrested and then sent back to Germany . . . THIS ALSO DIDN'T HAPPEN AND IT WON'T HAPPEN!

A highly educated man from Peoria Illinois, who graduated from the University of Chicago and worked for Bank of America, was transferred to BofA's Phoenix branch about 5 years ago. His name is Enrico Rodriquez and he has dark hair and a Latin appearance. He worked his way up and became a vice president of the company. He drives a Lincoln Town Car and lives in an exclusive neighborhood. After the Arizona Legislature passed the Immigration law and the Governor signed it . . . he is asked daily to prove he is an American because he is driving a Lincoln in an expensive locale where he probably should not be because of his looks . . . THIS DOES HAPPEN AND IT HAPPENS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN not only to him but to his wife and his children and to everyone who even looks Latino/Latina. And it is illegal and should be overthrown . . . NOW!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Just Some Thoughts . . .

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, PATRIOT means:
Pronunciation: \ˈpā-trē-ət
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French patriote compatriot, from Late Latin patriota, from Greek patriōtēs, from patria lineage, from patr-, patēr father
Date: 1605
: one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests

So, it seems to me that an Anti-Government Patriot is akin to an Atheistic Baptist, a Poor Billionaire or a Compassionate Conservative. Oxymoronic best fits these examples in more ways than one.

Don't let these people fool you. They are indeed Anti-Government (my guess is more like 'I don't like the black guy in office') but Patriots they are not. That name only makes them feel better about their poor choices.

"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism," said George Washington at his farewell address

They point at the newest SALT treaty as giving up too many Nuclear Weapons when it comes from Obama and totally forget that it was Reagan's idea to try to eliminate completely all nuclear weapons from all countries.

They say that none of the Stimulus packages worked when they forget that "W" Bush and the Republicans did the first one with little opposition from any of them.

Most of the "Tea" people promote themselves as Patriots and Christians. But remember the quote, "When Fascism come to us it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a Cross/Bible."

Remember . . . that 47% approval rating that Obama has, includes on the negative side, about 18-22% of the far left that don't think he's done enough. Those people aren't going to vote for Cheney, or Sarah, or Mitt, or Ron Paul. They may not vote, but they won't vote for the RIGHT.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Republicans did what?

More than 100 congressional Republicans, after voting against the stimulus bill, wrote Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood seeking money from $1.5 billion the plan set aside for local road, bridge, rail and transit grants. Most of these Republicans voted against the stimulus bill because they said it wouldn't create real jobs, just temporary jobs that didn't count. Then they turned around and wanted some of that money, they voted against, for their states to create some of those jobs they were looking down on. The Republicans did WHAT?

Obama, during a Feb. 19 speech to the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, said congressional critics are calling the stimulus a “boondoggle” while “making appearances at ribbon-cuttings” for local projects financed by the bill. “They’re trying to vote against their cake and eat it, too,” he said. They voted against you in order to vote against Obama.

Thirty four Republicans voted against ending debate on Unemployment Extension. The 9 billion dollar package will also pay for health benefits under COBRA and the national flood insurance program. And then they voted against it and against their own constituents.

Earlier this year the Republicans voted en masse against the Pay-As-You-Go measure. They voted NAY because it was proposed by Obama and the Democrats even though most of them had voted for the very same proposal five times before, once in '04, three times in '05, and again in '06. But, those were proposed by the Republicans, and they couldn't let the Democrats gain credit. But, by voting against the measure, they are really voting against the citizens of the United States.

Right from the beginning the President stated that he wanted tax cuts and the Republicans voted NO. All that and for years the Republicans have said that Tax Cuts create more income. But what they were really for was Tax Cuts for the Rich, not you and me.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day 2010!

Today the TEA parties all over the U. S. put on a TEA party. TEA by the way stands for Taxed Enough Already and they are protesting all the new taxes the Obama administration have imposed on us. But, when you ask any of them, "Which of those 'NEW' taxes are you talking about?" They can't give you an answer because there has been none. In fact 95% of all the people in the U. S. are paying less taxes this year than they have paid in decades and the others are paying about the same as before. Source: & or

Now you might or might not want to go to one of these "Media" web sites so if those displease you, try this one from The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities" at:

There they explain that even the highest income families pay less than they have in a long time because of the Bush Tax cuts which will expire soon.

So don't let the TEA party extremists confuse you. They are not a grass roots group. Most of them are funded and lead by Freedom Works and Dick Armey or the AFP group. AFP stands for Americans for Prosperity. Now you must understand it is not your prosperity they are looking out for, it is their own, and that of the big corporations which fund them. But . . . they need to confuse you so you will vote the way they want you to. The reason for the confusion is that if you knew the truth you would never vote their way because if you knew the truth you would realize that your own good is at stake. If you knew the truth you would realize that they want you to vote against your own best interests.

I never have understood why people would continue to follow those who continue to lie to them. Death Panels, killing Grandma, you go to jail if you don't get health insurance, you're being taxed too much, Obama is a Muslim and he wasn't born in the U. S. and isn't an American Citizen, are just a few . . . I could go on and on and on . . .

So, with that I'll wish you all a happy tax day! Glad your Federal Taxes have gone down.

Don't forget to stop following those that have lied to you, they don't have your best interest at heart.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oh My God, Jesus Was a Liberal!

Biblically documented teachings of Jesus Christ clearly show that Jesus was a Liberal. His philosophy, based in compassion, equality, inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace and - most importantly - love, is 100% Liberal.

For well over 20 years we have seen the growing domination of the radical right wing evangelicals on TV, on the radio and in the news, newspapers and magazines and in politics - claiming to own a virtual monopoly on Jesus. They have redefined what He meant and used His name to advance their radical right wing social, business, governmental, political and military agenda - or as the Republicans call it, "their just and righteous Crusade." I strongly object and disagree.

Like the views of over 150 million Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant and Independent thinking Christians, Catholics, and others of ALL spiritual paths, religions and traditions in the United States. I, personally, reject the radical right wing Republican evangelicals' claims that they alone represent the will, expression and blessing of Jesus Christ. I believe it is high time someone stands up for the Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant and Independent thinking majority's position that any plain reading of Christ's words, any genuine interpretation of Christ's intent, outline a Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant, Loving and holistic world view.

Liberalism has been under assault since the Reagan years. The attack on the liberal political philosophy has altered the contemporary definition of liberal to the point that Conservatives use it as a PROFANE word. They use it to paint a political opponent as anti-American and anti-God. Moderates and liberal Christians are afraid to be open about their political leanings. Surely it even affects their choices as they vote. This has to be particularly troubling to a Christian evangelical who loves America and its heritage.

Conservative policies generally favor the wealthy and ignore the needs of the poor. Their policies are frequently greed-driven, with no concern for environmental or societal consequences or for their exploitative actions. Jesus plainly taught that the LOVE of money is the ROOT of all evil.

So, Christians can go after the various "fruit" of sin in our society, but they won't see the real change for the better until the axe is put to the ROOT. Christians should oppose greed-driven policies as a primary point of political concern. Jesus was a Liberal as should all Christians be.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Upon Further Consideration . . .

I'm not sure who it was that said it but it is true that a lie told frequently enough becomes the truth! We have that today in our politics. It started on the National scene and has now "Trickled Down" into local politics. One of the few things that actually flows down hill effectively. There are others . . . but that is for another posting. That list doesn't contain money or anything having to do with the economy.

I have wondered for years exactly how the Conservatives have been able to convince the working class to vote for the Republicans and against the common man's own best interest. What I've found is that the Conservatives keep telling the same lies on an ongoing basis till it seems to be the truth. The following will give you some examples.

Recently Michelle Bachmann stated, "The New England Journal of Medicine released a survey the week that President Obama signed Obamacare stating that over 30 percent of American physicians would leave the profession if the government took over health care." That, of course is not true. The NEJM had nothing to do with the survey, it was a private recruiting firm's survey and it wasn't in the NEJM. The NEJM published a disclaimer at:
On the other hand, the AMA and its physicians endorsed the Health Care Reform Act. But that lie continues today and the only way to make it a lie is to expose it to the light of wisdom. That is just one of many of Bachmann's many falsehoods.

There are so many that I'll just list out who said them and what was said:
Glenn Beck said, "In the health care bill, we're now offering insurance for dogs."

Sarah Palin said, "Says she couldn't take stimulus money because it required universal building codes." It didn't . . . She also said, "A provision in the health care reform bill for end-of-life counseling for seniors is not "entirely voluntary." This is another one of those things that took on a life of its own. Just another lie.

Rush Limbaugh said, "People can't go fishing anymore because of Obama." and
"There are high administrative costs when you donate to Haiti relief through the White House Web site." But the worst was, "President Obama . . . wants to mandate circumcision."

Now don't get me wrong. There are lies on all sides, but only the Conservatives seem to continue with the same lies and then use them later to prove they are true by restating them and saying "Everybody knows that . . ."

If you want your side to be believed then you need to get your leaders to understand that once you are established as a liar, then even your truths will be held in suspect.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

On Bipartisanship

Let's just say Main Street in your town was a two way street that ran East and West. If every one that wanted to go West did so on Main Street but if they wanted to go East, they did it on First Street, a block away. Does that make Main Street a one way street? And, does that make First Street a one way street? The answer to both questions is NO! People have just chosen to use those streets as one way streets.

The same thing happens in politics. In both the House and the Senate, there are bipartisan meetings in both committees and on the floor of both chambers, as well as behind closed doors. Many of the bills that have passed recently have had amendments in them that were proposed by the Republicans and welcomed by the Democrats hoping for a vote from the Republican side. There have been times when Republicans even co-sponsored a bill . . . then voted against it. So, the question has arisen, is a bill really bipartisan if no Republicans have voted for it? The answer is just like Main Street, just because no one has chosen to travel East on it, doesn't make it one way. Just because Republicans don't vote for a particular bill doesn't mean it isn't bipartisan.

Here are just a few of the recent compromises brought forth by Obama:
1. Expansion of the earned income tax credit.

2. Elimination of capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups. That is what was promised, but Obama had to settle for only reducing it.

3. Establish a small business initiative for rural America. Obama used the Stimulus package to expand financing and benefits for Small businesses and wants to expand it. But, the Republicans in Congress have held it up in committee.

4. Create a small business tax credit to help with health premiums. As part of the Health Care Reform Act recently signed was a small business tax credit. This is not a deduction from earned income, it is an actual tax credit. It is considered a compromise because as a concession to the Republicans, trying to get a few to vote for it, the Democrats agreed to not make it for more than the tax liability and that it would not be be paid in advance.

5. Strengthen antitrust laws to prevent overcharging for malpractice insurance. Not all the language that Obama wanted got into the Health Care Reform Act. But most of it did.

There are lots more. If you are interested, go to:
And click on "Compromise"

If you want to know which promises he has actually fulfilled, you can go to the same URL and click on "Promises Kept." There are a few, very few, that he has not kept and will not keep, for those you will find them under the "Promises Broken" category.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

If I were to say, "Anti-Government Patriots," it wouldn't make a lot of sense to most people. But that is what is coming up in the near future to most people. It is here now but most don't know about it because it has been sneaking up on us. Anti-Government and Patriots are supposed to be polar opposites. But now we have some that think that the U. S. Government is not only against them but is lead by a non American President who wants to have death panels to kill grandma, or that he might even be an "Antichrist."

Some of these Anti-American Patriot groups are the Oath Keepers. If you come across any of these people running for Sheriff or Police Chief in your area, be careful. They sound good but they have another agenda. Oath Keepers are a group that recruits from the law enforcement, military, veterans, and retired of the military and law enforcement. The oath they want you to keep is your oath to the constitution and yet they want you to understand that it is "Their Interpretation" of the Constitution that they will follow, not the Supreme Courts Interpretation. They list out what they will not do. That list is mostly against what you and I would say is our understanding of the Constitution. Oath Keepers are well trained by the government in weapons and tactics because they only recruit from law enforcement and veterans. It has been said that when the overthrow of the U. S. comes, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible/Cross.

There is a new group, or I should say a group that only recently has come to the fore. That group is the "Guardians of the Free Republics." They seem to be an offshoot or another form of the older Posse Comitatus and their courts of Common Law. They don't seem to be as aggressive as the Oath Keepers. But they will fool enough people to draw attention to themselves. They recently wrote letters to various Governors telling them to leave office or be removed within three days. They didn't threaten violence but the message was clear.

Remember, this is the way that the Nazis came to power. They appealed to the people that were being left behind. They appealed to those that felt betrayed by the government. They lied to the people and told them that only they could bring about what they were looking for and they drew large crowds and many votes and that is all it takes. The real problem is with those that threaten with aggression and guns.

At this time only the "Oath Keepers" seem to be the most corrupt and most aggressive of the new groups. If you have anyone running for office . . . mostly sheriff, in your area, make sure you check them out. Soon, your whole sheriff's office will be members of that group, because it will be required that deputies hired must join OATH KEEPERS.

The UGLY is people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Steele, and Fox News.

The GOOD are people that take the time to think and ask questions. Remember, asking the right questions in the right way is one of the most important factors of life, but make sure you listen to and understand the answers. It will keep you out of trouble and keep salesmen and charlatans away.

The U. S. Census . . .

Today is the date that you should have sent in your census to the government. They will collect it and with the information they receive they will come and get your guns, collect your children, if you have a name like Omar or Hakkim they will put you in a concentration camp and confiscate your property . . . April Fools!

Let me explain the U. S. Census. It was required by the U. S. Constitution that we enumerate those who live in the United States including their Slaves.

There has been some questions that have appeared on the census that were not required to be answered. Some of those questions appear in this years census. But there are those that don't want you to turn your census in at all. Michelle Bauchman for one has stated that they will use the census to put people into concentration camps and some even have stated that you must list out all your guns and other weapons on the census form . . . that, of course, is untrue.

Let's go over what those with the U. S. Government want to know and why.

The first question has to do with how many people live in your abode. That is the enumeration part.

The second question has to do with additional people, temporary or transient, persons that might be there. Also an enumeration question.

The third question has to do with the abode. Is it a rented home, or mobile? Is it owned by your or are you in it without rent? Not sure if this one is required, but probably not.

The fourth question has to do with your phone number. This is only needed in case they, whomever that may be, needs to ask questions or clearify your answers, otherwise they will come knocking on your door.

The fifth question has to do with your name. Who are you? If you look back on previous census, you will find that this is very important to those who come after us. I have found my great grand father, his wife, great grandma, and all my great uncles and great aunts. If you don't want your progeny to know who you were, don't answer this one. You will remain a nothing in the generations of your family.

The sixth question has to do with your gender. Being Pat Whatever doesn't give those in the future enough information as to who you really are. There are far too many names that could go with each gender and the government needs to make sure that you are not playing around with the same gender. They want to make sure you are really screwing around and making it mean something.

The seventh question has to do with your date of birth. They want to make sure that you are so old that when they come to get you, that you will not put up too much of a fight. Beware of those Black Helicopters!

The eighth question has to do with your regional origin, if you are of Latin origin. (this is not Race question).

The ninth question has to do with Race, but gets all that confused with nationality. They ask about RACE but then break it down from Asian to Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, etc. Makes one wonder who wrote this . . . stuff. They even separate American Indian from Asian. Go figure!

Lastly they want to know if you sometimes live somewhere else. Is this only your Winter/Summer home? Might you be counted elsewhere?

Now understand that despite all those warnings . . . you haven't been asked about your gun inventory!

Now, why do we do this every ten years? Because it is in the Constitution. That is what the founding fathers wanted us to do. They wanted us to find out who we were. They also us the information to distribute our representation. Michele Bauchman warned against answering the census until she found out that her district would be eliminated if the population count went down. One of the lowest returns by state so far has been Texas. Their governor has placed questions in the citizens' minds. What he forgets is that the House of Representatives are distributed by the last census and he could probably get as many as four more representatives, mostly Republican, if all the people send in their census. I'll not tell him about that and I hope you don't either.

Answer your census. It doesn't take long and it doesn't hurt at all. There is a lot of good that comes out of it and there is no bad. And if you don't answer it, they will come knocking.