Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Environment, War and Peace . . .

There are no WARS on Mars. There are no WARS on Venus. There are no WARS in the Antarctic or the Arctic. There are no WARS in Tierra del Fuego or Greenland. WHY?

Being socially concerned about what is going on around me, and about that which is to be done to me I receive a lot of ill-directed flak from friends and associates. My concern is with YOUR ENVIRONMENT, (of course, with your kind permission, I’ll use it too). My socially concerned friends tell me that I care more for trees than for people. They want to know why I don’t work for peace instead of ferns, flowers, and trees. The answer is simple. I am very basic in my needs and desires.

How I wish that there would never be another WAR. Peace forever, everyone loves everyone. One the other hand, I have read history, when one group has the power or thinks they have the power, they become aggressive. A “BULLY” syndrome. They MUST dominate! They MUST show that they cannot be dominated! The problem is temptation. Some can handle it, but those people are far too few. No mater how moralistic or ethical, the best people in the world can be had, by temptation. Now, fully realizing the fact that people in general are not likely to change in human nature, and that we as workers for the future must be gratified as soon as possible in order to take the next step forward, we must work for something more immediately rewarding.

The environment is worth a fight, without a habitat (environment) there is no place to live. Not the spotted owl, not the red cockaded woodpecker, not the snail darter, not you, not I. All life ceases! You and I, all animals, all plants, everything! If one should want peace, that is the way to get it. Like I have already said, “There is no war in Tierra del Fuego.” Where there are no people, there is no WAR. Apparently the environment is the key, no environment, no people; no people, no WAR.

Working for the environment is very basic in nature. It is easier to get people to clean up their own house than to clean up everyone else’s house. One must start where one is most effective. With the environment, every little thing you do is effective; recycling, planting a tree, saving a tree, saving a group of trees, or a forest, proclaiming a wilderness. It all starts small, but grows. The reward is immediate, and gratifying. But most important, something gets done.

Do I love trees more than people ?. . . NO! But, it’s easier to work with trees. You don’t have to put up with their bullshit, and you really can get something accomplished.

If one really wants peace, forsake the environment. You’ll get peace fast. But there is a sacrifice to make. Consider it . . . you might find that you love trees too.

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