Friday, February 17, 2012

Who Came Up With This?

The other day I saw a Pontiac Aztec going along the highway.  It occurred to me that it was a really ugly car . . . in my opinion.  Then I said to myself, being a salesman, "Someone had to sell that car."  Not just to the final consumer but to the execs at General Motors.  Someone had to convince his boss that that was the greatest thing on four wheels.  Then the boss had to convince his boss and so on up to the top before they committed financial resources to build the Aztec.  What SALESMEN/WOMEN these people must have been.

Now, here comes this years crop of Republicans.  They seem to have recently adopted an anti-contraceptives platform.  "Let's be against contraception" they have decided.  Now I wonder, "Who sold that idea to them?  Must have been one hell of a salesman."

The only ones that seem to really be against any form of contraception are the only ones that don't/shouldn't need it . . . the Catholic Clergy.

The way to really turn the people against you is to come out against the one thing that most of us enjoy . . . male/female SEX.  Among the Catholics, 98% use some sort of contraception.  That leaves the 2% that are either clergy or they lie about it, or clergy that lie about it. 

The one thing that could really do-in the Republicans is being against contraception or an easy way to pay for it.

Let's see what happens to it in the near future.  Then let's see what they can come up with next to be against, maybe some other form of recreation, Face Book, Twitter, Bridge?  Who knows what the desperate will come up with next?  And, yes . . . that is what the GOP is . . . DESPERATE!

You gotta read the next post to find out how desperate they really are.

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