Thursday, August 26, 2010


If you can find something or some group to hate, you can unite people who might otherwise be divided. What you have to do is make that hate larger and more irritating than all their other differences.

Let's start with the Civil War. The Civil War didn't start because of the "Negroes" and their plight in the South. It started because the industrialized North was taking advantage of the agrarian South. The South grew cotton and other goods and the North wanted the South to sell that cotton and other goods to the North . . . cheaply. The South found that England and the European continent would buy cotton for a much higher price than the Northern U. S. The U. S. Government put a tariff on cotton sold to Europe and England and the South revolted. The way the North got their people together was to free the slaves in the South, even though there were some slaves in the North. Slavery was what brought the North together and the South used that same issue to hold the South together.

That is what the Nazi propaganda machine did just prior to and during World War II. The Jews were the targets and being as passive as the Jews were, they didn't try to defend themselves till it was too late. Hitler brought the whole of the German people together in their hate of the Jews. He gave them a reason to fight and to die and they did both.

During the Cold War, Americans learned to hate the Russians. The Russians brought us together in our distrust and fear of the REDS. Then we started hating the Chinese . . . the "Red Chinese." Then we realized, or were told, that what we really hated were the Communists. That great generality covered all our hates and fears; The USSR, China, Yugoslavia, Albania, Hungry, Poland, Romania, East Germany, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia could now be rendered down to "Communism." Senator Joe McCarthy, in the early '50s, defined it well by finding Communists under every bed and in every closet.

Finding and fighting Communism took us all the way through Viet Nam and on into the next great threat to Democracy. Reagan called that threat, "The 'L' word." Yeah, Liberals were the enemy and the great threat to America. Reagan turned a legitimate and legal philosophy into a word of "Hate and Fear." You're not a Liberal, are you?

George W. Bush used the gays as a rally point. In 2004 and again in 2006, "W" used the gay marriage issue to revitalize his far right troops. He worked up the Evangelical Right to follow him in his battle against Adam and Everett. (Today, Ken Mehlman, "W's" spokesman and Campaign Chairman came out of the closet. Why so late?)

Now we have the Muslims to fight against. That peaceful religion that respects love and humanitarianism is now who we are against . . . or I should say, "Who some are against."

The Imam of that "Victory Mosque" in New York was hired by Geroge W. to be an ambassador to the Islamic World from America. Now he has been vilified as the "Imam from Hell" and the Islamic community Center, which is in the middle of an Islamic Community, is the center of our "Hate and Fear."

Rally around the Pyre, Boys! This is whom we will hate tomorrow. So far the GOP has only come out against the Middle Class. We are who can hurt them most and we are those who they would like to wipe out or at least make poor and dependant.

Welcome to the middle class. If the GOP is in power, we haven't got a chance.

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