Friday, August 6, 2010

"B. I. O. B." Part 2

As you have probably noted, the first ten of my top 20 reasons that what we are into as a country, pertain to the Iraq/Afghanistan war. The next 10 reasons are mostly other than that. #14 and #17 have also to do with the Wars but the others have to do with the economy, Katrina, and outright stupidity on the part of the Republicans in general and Bush in particular.

Here are the rest of my top 20 reasons "W" Bush is to blame for the situation we find ourselves in today:

11. Bush promoted and got, by reconciliation, tax cuts for the rich. Right after that, the economy of the U. S. and the World suddenly went into the crapper. The rich have money, the big corporations have big money, they just won't turn it loose. Those rich people aren't hiring, therefore people aren't spending and the big companies aren't making any money.

12. Until Bush limited the research of embryonic stem cells, tremendous advances made in the study of Parkinson's. On March 6, 2009, President Obama reversed that decision and we are now able to progress once again.

13. "W" Bush liked to have lots of "His" type of people around him at all times. That is why he nominated and got Alberto Gonzales, an old Texas friend, as Attorney General. Gonzales oversaw the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapes and the firing of many U. S. Attornies that wouldn't tow the line for "W." He tried to do the same thing with Harriet Miers in the Supreme Court, but she was forced to withdraw her name about 3 weeks later because of the opposition even from the Republicans.

14. The awarding of Halliburton contracts at the start of the Iraq/Afghanistan war. Some say they were no bid contracts but everyone agrees that they were very lucrative and profitable for Dick Cheney's old company.

15. The athorization of Warrantless Wiretaps as well as other unconstitutional orders.

16. As in number 13 with Alberto Gonzales, he appointed Mike Brown to head FEMA. Brown was totally unprepared and without a clue as to how FEMA was to work and what he should do in New Orleans after Katrina. "You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie!"

17. After coming aboard that aircraft carrier in the early Summer of 2003, Bush proclaimed the war was over with a "Mission Accoplished" banner hanging from the super structure behind him. That was an enduring mistake. Most of our casualties have come since that day.

18. "W" failed to sign the Kyoto Protocol because he said it would hamper the auto industry which was on its way down at that time already. This year green house gasses have contributed to us having the hottest first 6 months in world history. Let me remind you that last Winter was mostly in this year, all but about 9 days of it.

19. "W" decided to view the damage left by Katrina from a fly-over at 35,000 feet while he was on his way back to Washington from a Crawford vacation and McCain's birthday party in Phoenix, instead of going there and bringing attention to the disaster.

20. "W" Bush, in declaring a "State of Emergency" in Lousiana failed to include the coast and New Orleans in the Emergency State. Both had to scramble to get the funding and loans they needed to recover, and lots of New Orleans still needs help.

Now these are only my top 20 and have nothing to do with some of the really stupid things he said at various times. He continued to mispronounce "Nuclear" until he finally learned how to say it late in his presidency. But, to make up for mispronouncing words he made up some of his own from time to time.

What he left us was a dump and Obama is attempting to make it livable. George W. Bush is the embodyment of everything the Progessives are running against and I fully expect to see his name brought up more the closer we get to November 2012. Most look at George W. Bush with disdain and a bitter taste in their mouths.

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