Monday, November 1, 2010

The Time Is Here

OK folks, the time has arrived and I've found that elections are really a conversation.  They, the candidates, have been talking to us for a long time now and it is time for us to tell them where to go.

We need to tell some to get lost and some to take office.  But first we need to find out about the candidates and their views on what is important to us.  We need to find out as much about the various amendments and issues that are on the ballot as we can . . . then vote.  We must know what we are going to say in that conversation and to be able to say it in an intelligent fashion.  Remember, this is a conversation.  Don't talk foolishly and don't say stupid things.  All of our lives and all of our futures are depending on what we collectively say.

If you have decided to not vote this time, you will be conceding power to others.  Those "Others" may not have your best interest at heart.  The power you concede may very well hurt you, your family and your future.

I frequently support one side over the other on this blog.  I won't be doing that today.  If you read me much at all, you know what side I'm on.  Today I want to encourage you to get educated and get involved.  This is about you!  This is about your family!  This is about all of our futures and moving forward.  Please do it but do it intelligently.  Do it well informed.

The future depends on you and your well informed vote.  Don't let others tell you where to go.  Don't let others dictate you and your family's future.

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