Sunday, September 26, 2010

Don't Take The Pledge!

One thing must be understood from the start, jobs are created by DEMAND not by rich guys with lots of money to invest. Rich guys with lots of money to invest put that money where there is a DEMAND for a product or service and where that demand has not already been met and surpassed. Rich guys with lots of money to invest have never created a job and never will. Bill Gates wasn't rich when he started Microsoft, he just found something where there was demand and satisfied that demand, and that created more demand . . . and so it goes.

The way to create demand is to put money in the hands of the masses, the great middle class. If they have money they will find a way to spend it and a product on which to spend it. That in turn creates more jobs to make those products and perform those services.

The way to put more money in the hands of the masses is with a middle class tax cut, or in this case a tax cut continuation.

Now to that "Pledge to America"

The Republican "Pledge" tells you exactly what the Republicans will do when they take over Congress . . . SORTA!

This is a 46 page document with large glossy photos that really comes out to be about 17 pages of real text(large type, widely spaced) and I use the word "Real" very loosely. About the only things I found that were definite were that they would repeal "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," (Obama Care). I just wonder what about "Patient Protection" and "Affordable Care" do the Republicans not like? Oh, that's right, they think that Health Care is a Commodity that should be only for the rich. They also want to put a halt to all unspent TARP funds. You know, the stuff that stopped the decline of the Auto Industry and has created enough new jobs and preserved old ones to stop the skid we were in. By the way, the original TARP was a Bush era and Republican backed plan that they do not now like. But they liked it when it was Bush's plan.
I've gone through this document, as you can at the link above, and here is what I've found. There are 13 full pages of glossy pictures, that's a full 28% of the document. There are 8 title pages with only the title on them, that 17% of the document. There are 2½ pages of graphs, that over 5% of the document. One page is the back cover, one page is the table of contents, 5 pages are either single column or only half covered with words. So, the entire 46 page document has, in very large type and widely spaced, 17 pages of substance(I use that word loosely), or around 37% . . . a little over a third of the "pamphlet" . . . but it is attractive. If I were a judge, I'd give the document an 8 for style and a 2 for substance.
Go take a look at it for yourself. I guarantee, it won't take long for you to read and it has such broadly worded ideas and ideals that you can almost speed read it. Actually, many of the thoughts are very close to those of the White House, just using different words.
My next post will be on the inside of the "Pamphlet." Go to:

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