Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Truth of Politics

I've always wondered if any time a human aspires to government office, does his brain really turn to crap? Do people really think that they have to cater to everyone on everything? Do people think that they are pulling the wool over the eyes of all who listen . . . really listen?

If you really think about it, you will know that it's true that working for the government changes the way your brain works and that ain't for the good. And, the point here is that it isn't just the Republicans or just the Democrats who are at fault here. They are equally guilty of almost any crime known to man . . . but . . .!

My point here is that the Republicans are the true villains. A Republican will preach to you about family values and then get caught soliciting sex in a public bathroom, or with a prostitute in a cheap motel room, or molesting little boys near a playground.

A Republican will harp on individual liberties then tap your phone or hack your computer or track your library records.

A Republican will talk to you about the evils of homosexuality then take a vacation with a male hooker at government expense.

Now, let me explain that Democrats do the same things but don't preach to you about the evils of it. if you trace the history of a Democrat who is caught with a prostitute, you will probably find that he has a record saying that prostitution should be legalized. A Democrat probably has recorded votes for gay rights and against demonizing those who are openly gay.

A Republican will say, "Read my lips; NO NEW TAXES!" Then we will get new taxes. Democrats have more trouble getting elected and then staying in office because they have more of a tendency of telling it like it is, no matter how bad it is.

Most Democrats want to think about it and analyze it, then take it apart and see how it works before making a decision. That is why most Democrats come to a decision that will most likely be slightly different than their compatriots. That is why Democrats are less cohesive than Republicans. A group of Democrats are going to come up with lots of different conclusions at the end of a caucus.

I am of the firm belief that the Republicans in office today don't think about their decisions . . . they just react. Republicans, almost to a person, are against abortion and Democrats are split on the issue. Democrats think too much and it makes them look weak. They need to find a way to make thoughtfulness look wise and sexy.

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