Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fox News Reality!

Unlike most of my friends, I have to watch Fox News. I need to do that because I have friends that are conservative and I have discussions with them. In Basic Training to be a salesman (Shudder), I learned to anticipate objections and overcome them before they are brought up. To this end, I need to know what those conservatives are watching and what forms their opinions. So, I get a lot of Fox Propaganda. One of the things I've heard time and again is that Fox has the biggest audience in Cable News. I've wondered about that.

When I checked it out . . . I found it to be correct . . . Sorta!

Fox Cable News is the only Ultra Conservative News on either Cable or Broadcast. Fox does not have a regular broadcast News. So, if you are a Conservative and want slanted news, you gotta watch Fox Cable News. That gives Fox Cable News the TOTAL of all the viewers that want Conservative Viewpoint News. Whereas, if you are Normal? Sensible? Realistic? or Middle of the Road, you have several News networks from which to choose, including Fox. So we have the Conservatives with one News source and the rest of us with many choices. That is why Fox News has so many viewers, or do they?

On a day this week the ratings for the various news channels in Prime Time were:
Fox News= 2.35 million
Other Cable News=2.25 million

But that is not the whole story. There are other news in broadcast. This is how that breaks out:
All Fox News= 2.35 million
All NBC News= 8.13 million
All CBS News= 5.52 million
All ABC News= 7.14 million
All CNN News= 1.82 million

That means that of the Prime Time Viewer of the news, 22.61 million TV sets were on a sane news source and 2.35 million were on Fox News.

That means that about 9.42% of the news viewer were watching Fox News. Now don't get me wrong, those are loud and obnoxious people and they want their way, no matter what. But, they are a minority, a vicious minority, but a minority none the less.

Fox News is a great source of bull shit. If you believe it, that is to their credit. If you don't believe it, let your friends know you don't and call them on their "FACTS."

Fox News Represents less than 10% of the people. You need to be louder than that 10%. You need to be smarter than that 10%. It is up to you to bring this group to task for their insanity.

Jump on in . . . the oily water is fine!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Breaking News?

Here's an interesting item. Today, in the House of Representatives, it has been approved by the Committee on House Administration that there can be a "Tea Party Caucus."

I have no problem with that, but I do find it interesting who requested it and will probably be one of the principals involved in its formation . . . Rep. Michele Bachmann.

I am sure you know who Rep. Michele Bachmann is, but if you don't, let me explain.

Michele Bachmann recently stated, "The New England Journal of Medicine released . . . that 30% of American Physicians would leave the profession if the government took of Health Care." In fact the American Medical Association endorsed the recent Health Care Reform Act and I have heard nothing about a mass exodus from the profession.

Michele Bachmann states that, "The Obama Health Care bill states specifically that people can't purchase private health insurance after a certain date." Totally FALSE.

Michele Bachmann said, "Sec. Geithner has left on the table the option of abandoning the dollar for a multinational currency." I won't even comment on that one it is so far out false.

Michelle Bachmann has been rated by on ten of her statements. None of them were even rated as high as "Barely True." Of the ten, six were rated "False" and four were rated "Pants on Fire." (outrageously FALSE)

Michelle Bachmann avoids facts like a heart attack and will do anything to prove herself verity challenged.

I think she should be right up there leading the campaign for the Tea Party. As I stated before in a recent blog post, the Tea Party is likely to be a bane on the Republican Party.

This last weekend, the Tea Party Federation kicked out the Tea Party Express along with their leader Mark Williams because of a series of racial remarks over the past several months.

Look out Republicans . . . I think they are sneaking up on you!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Truth of Politics

I've always wondered if any time a human aspires to government office, does his brain really turn to crap? Do people really think that they have to cater to everyone on everything? Do people think that they are pulling the wool over the eyes of all who listen . . . really listen?

If you really think about it, you will know that it's true that working for the government changes the way your brain works and that ain't for the good. And, the point here is that it isn't just the Republicans or just the Democrats who are at fault here. They are equally guilty of almost any crime known to man . . . but . . .!

My point here is that the Republicans are the true villains. A Republican will preach to you about family values and then get caught soliciting sex in a public bathroom, or with a prostitute in a cheap motel room, or molesting little boys near a playground.

A Republican will harp on individual liberties then tap your phone or hack your computer or track your library records.

A Republican will talk to you about the evils of homosexuality then take a vacation with a male hooker at government expense.

Now, let me explain that Democrats do the same things but don't preach to you about the evils of it. if you trace the history of a Democrat who is caught with a prostitute, you will probably find that he has a record saying that prostitution should be legalized. A Democrat probably has recorded votes for gay rights and against demonizing those who are openly gay.

A Republican will say, "Read my lips; NO NEW TAXES!" Then we will get new taxes. Democrats have more trouble getting elected and then staying in office because they have more of a tendency of telling it like it is, no matter how bad it is.

Most Democrats want to think about it and analyze it, then take it apart and see how it works before making a decision. That is why most Democrats come to a decision that will most likely be slightly different than their compatriots. That is why Democrats are less cohesive than Republicans. A group of Democrats are going to come up with lots of different conclusions at the end of a caucus.

I am of the firm belief that the Republicans in office today don't think about their decisions . . . they just react. Republicans, almost to a person, are against abortion and Democrats are split on the issue. Democrats think too much and it makes them look weak. They need to find a way to make thoughtfulness look wise and sexy.