Tuesday, June 8, 2010

OK . . . I've Changed My Mind!

Since my early twenties, I've tried to get people to "Go out and VOTE" no matter what.

"Let your voice be heard!"

Well, I've changed my mind. There are just too many mis-informed, ill-informed, and un-informed people out there. These people don't have a reliable opinion because they don't know all sides of an issue. They only listen to one news source.

You might think that I'm talking about Fox News . . . but I'm NOT! I'm talking about people who listen to MSNBC or NPR, too! I'm also talking about people who only listen to or read one information source. You can't get the whole story from one source and it's going to get worse as time goes by.

Right now, we have many sources of news, some think too many. Our major traditional source has been the newspapers, those will soon be a thing of the past as the internet takes over. Too many people only get their news from Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC,CBS, NBC, or NPR or read only NEWSWEEK, TIME, FORBES, Wall Street Journal, ARDEMGAZ, Arkansas Times, or your local newspapers. We all have to learn to get our information from all sides of any issue, not just one. You have to understand the other side, no matter on which side you presently are. And all sides need to learn this. There are more than just one side to any issue and in most cases there are more than two sides. Just sort the information out and know what is information and what is opinion, or as some call it "Commentary."

That is why I've decided all too many people are too uninformed to vote. People have these wonderful computers that get them all the information in the world and they don't use them. You have available multiple sides to almost any issue and people just don't care enough to look it up. These people should not vote.

Apathy and cynicism are not the paths to take when you are on the way to good government. Do the homework required to do a good job at the polls. Don't depend on PAID ads and pricey but evasive sound bites. When you do that you are driving politicians toward the money to pay for all that and away from the issues and away from you, the constituent.

Do not turn our Republic over to those savvy enough and rich enough to dictate our Nation's future. Be vigilant and well informed in order to choose those representatives that best reflect your values and your integrity. Don't set there and be a spectator, be an active and well informed citizen when you go to the polls.

Either that or please DON'T VOTE! Don't tie around our necks the millstone of your mis-information.

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