Monday, May 31, 2010

'Tis the Season for . . . Political E-Mails

Well it has already started and I'm getting E-Mails from friends and just people that want me to think the way they think. Most of these E-Mails are dubious at best and they are coming from many sides (I'd say BOTH sides, but with the TEA Party's advance, there are more than just two sides and in some cases there are more than three sides).

First of all, check out E-Mails that seem far fetched, you might even want to check out the ones that don't seem to be false. Most of these have an element of truth in them but that is small and is not the point of the E-Mail. Less than 10% of the E-Mails I've checked out were totally true, about half of them were only partially true, but the majority were totally false. If the E-Mail you receive is hard to believe, there is probably a reason for that. I don't call these E-Mails . . . I call them E-Mauls because they either MAUL the truth or they MAUL a person.

Here are some places that you can check out the veracity of the next E-Mail/E-Maul you get. Go to:

There is an E-Maul out there that states the Mikkelsons, the couple behind, are liberals and that Snopes is biased. It also states that the Mikkelsons are avid about their privacy and doesn't want anyone to know who they really are. This is, of course, not true. Go to:
There you will find that David Mikkelson was a registered Republican as of 2000 and re-registered as a "No Preference" in order to not show any bias. Barbara Mikkelson is a Canadian citizen and can't vote or contribute to any candidate. All records show that David has never contributed any money to any candidate or any political party. Their privacy was given up long ago and they have done TV appearances as well as Magazine articles and given interviews to the media. In 2009 there was a Reader's Digest article about them complete with where they lived and a total background on them. So they are not shy or reclusive.

Here are some of the E-Mauls I have checked out as being totally false:
1. The new health care bill will provide free health care for illegal aliens.=FALSE
2. "In God We Trust" isn't on the new Dollar Coins. =FALSE (on the edge of the coin)
3. Abortions will be provided free on demand and all Doctors will be forced to provide them to their clients.=FALSE & FALSE
4. "Cap and Trade" would cost the American Family $6,800 per year, says the CBO. =FALSE (That estimate came from the Conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, not the Congressional Budget Office)
5. You have to have a Microchip inserted into you body if you go on the public health care plan.=FALSE
6. You must list all your guns on your 2010 income tax return.=FALSE
7. The Obama White House is renaming all Christmas Trees to Holiday Trees.=FALSE
8. Congress is 100% exempt from the new Health Care Bill.=FALSE
9. Hillary Clinton recently signed a treaty with the U. N. and Congress passed legislation that by passed the second amendment and we all have to turn in our guns or face prosecution.=FALSE (nothing supersedes the Constitution, and it is otherwise false, too)

And the list goes on! And, new ones will show up tomorrow. Check these out yourself, you now have the resources to do your own research. It's fun to be able to not be taken by one of these gross lies or even the subtle ones.

If you get something you just can't sort out, send it to me and I'll do what I can to check it out. Some are so new that they have not yet been checked or are in the "Undetermined" stage. But don't pass them on unless you are sure they are real E-Mails and not just E-Mauls.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

On Negative Campaign Ads . . .

This will be for information purposes only, their is no political message in it, just information you can use.

Have you noticed in the recent and surely in the upcoming political campaigns, there is a lot of negative advertising going on. This is coming from all sides, not just one. I recently received in the mail seven campaign "Flyers/Cards," for lack of a better description, in one day. All of these were about two candidates in one race. Three of them were asking me to vote for a candidate and had a very positive message, four were giving me disparaging information about an opponent.

If you will remember back to the 2004 election, there were a lot of negativism in that campaign, too. From both sides came information about the other side, so this has been going on full force for several years now, and it's getting worse. If you'll notice the return address for these negative "Flyer/Cards," you will notice they are not from the other candidate, they are from a group such as, The Committee for the Truth, or Real Information You Need.

These groups or organizations are called 527 organizations. That is just a short nick name given them from the U. S. tax code of 26 U. S. C. § 527, you can go to for more detailed information on 527 organizations and PACs which also fall under this tax code but have different rules and different limits.

What is real good/bad about these 527 groups is that they can collect and spend as they wish in almost any amounts they wish, for information purposes. This can be done as long as they do not coordinate their efforts with a candidate or a party. The high courts have ruled it is just "Freedom of Speech." They also do not come under the jurisdiction of the U. S. Election Commission or the State and Local Election Commissions.

It is very difficult to discern a 527's affiliation by its name. For instance Progress for America is not a "Progressive/Liberal organization and the League of Conservation Voters is not a Conservative Organization.

In 2004, 527s spent just shy of $440 million dollars on various campaigns and in the mid-term elections of 2006 they spent over $170 million.

I must point out that these organizations are from both sides of the aisle, but some of the most effective were the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" in 2004. originally started out as a 527 organization and in 2004 spent over $21 million for various Liberal candidates and issues. is no longer a 527 organization and now has to follow different rules.

Not all 527s are candidate oriented, some are Pro-Life, some are Pro-Choice, some are for Women's Rights, Gay Rights, Gun Control, Retirees, Immigration Policies, The Environment, etc.

Next time you get an "Anti" whatever or whoever card in the mail, check out the return address. Chances are that it will not be from the candidate's opponent, it'll be from one of these 527s. That way a candidate can truthfully say, "That wasn't from my campaign, I didn't have anything to do with that." Yeah, right!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who Should Pay Attention to The CAUTION Sign?

The Primaries in a few states were held yesterday. I noted, with a great deal of encouragement, that there was one election in Pennsylvania that really counted. It was for John Murtha's seat in the House of Representatives. Rep. Murtha died a few weeks ago and the state needed to replace him for the rest of his term. The District has been Republican for some time now and voted for McCain in 2008 by almost 20 points. The Republicans were all set to take that seat away from the Democrats. That didn't happen! The Democrat took it by about 10 points, and that is at mid-term when everyone says that the Democrats are going to be weak.

The point of this essay is to figure out who it is at this mid-term election that should be afraid of the "TEA PARTY?" Who is it that stands to be the most damaged by this new challenge? I think it is the Republicans and here is why:

Rand Paul won the Primary in Kentucky yesterday on the Republican ticket over the pick of the Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trey Grayson. In his victory speech he mentioned the Tea Party nine times but didn't mention the Republican party once.

In Maine, at the Republican State Convention, the Republican Platform was defeated and the Tea Party Platform was inserted instead. That platform was passed by the Maine Republican Convention and became the new Republican platform for all Maine Republicans. That platform includes:
1. To reassert the principle that "Freedom of Religion" does not mean "Freedom
from Religion."
2. To return to the principle of "Austrian Economics." ?
3. To remove obstacles created by government to the private development of natural
gas, oil, coal, and nuclear power. (ie. Let's let them pollute as much as they want)
4. Rejection of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
5. Eliminate the U. S. Department of Education, and the Federal Reserve.
6. A declaration that Health Care is not a RIGHT, but a SERVICE.

The Tea Party in Utah has succeeded in their effort to oust the present Republican Senator Robert Bennett. Yep, they've taken over the Utah Republican Party too.

My advice is that the Republicans should look out for the Tea Party . . . they are out to make you obsolete.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Political Smear Speech

I don't remember where I got this or to whom I should credit it. But it seems appropriate at this time in our present political atmosphere.

At times, in answering people who suggest that politicians should tell the truth, I point out that the truth might get them into more trouble than they need as in the 1998 movie "Bulworth" where Warren Beatty performs as the President and decides to tell the absolute truth, no matter what. It shows what blunt honesty will do.

At any rate, this is a political smear speech written some time ago by someone? other than myself, but seems right for our times. If you need to get out a dictionary for a few words . . . that's great . . . have at it. It's the positive truth portrayed as a negative. Check it out.

Political Smear Speech

My fellow citizens, it is an honor and a pleasure to be here today. Now, when I embarked on this political campaign I hoped it could be conducted on a high level, and that my opponent would be willing to stick to the issues. Instead . . . unfortunately, he has decided to be tractable, and to indulge in unequivocal language, to eschew the use of outright lies in his speeches and even to make repeated veracious statements about me.

Now, at first, I tried to ignore these scrupulous, unvarnished fidelities, but I will do so no longer. If my opponent wants a fight, he's gonna get a fight!

Now, it might be instructive to start with his background. My friends, have you ever accidentally dislodged a rock on the ground and seen what is underneath? As for my opponent, his background is dissimilar. All the slime and filth and corruption you could imagine, even in your wildest dreams, are glaringly nonexistent in this man's life. Even during his childhood.

And since the subject came up, let us take a quick look at his childhood! It is a known fact that on a number of occasions, he emulated older boys on a certain playground. It is also known that his parents not only permitted him to masticate excessively, but even urged him to do so.

This man, who poses as a paragon of virtue, exacerbated his own sister when they were teenagers. I ask you my fellow Americans, is this the kind of person we want in public office? To set an example for our youth?

Let us consider some of the other members of his family. My opponent's second cousin is a practicing monogamist! His Uncle was a flagrant heterosexual. His sister, who has always been obsessed with sex, once worked as a proselyte outside a church. And, his younger brother wrote an essay extolling the virtues of being a Homo sapien. And his great Aunt? Well, his great Aunt expired of a degenerative disease. His nephew subscribes to several phono graphic magazines! His wife was a thespian before they were married, and had even performed that act in front of paying customers. His own mother had to resign from a women's organization in her later years because she was an admitted sexagenarian.

Now, what shall I say about this man himself? I can tell you in the solemn truth, that he has perambulated his infant on the street, he has practiced nepotism with his Uncle and first cousin. And, he has attempted to interest a thirteen year old girl in philately.

This man participated in a seance in a private residence where among other odd goings on, there was incense. An, he has openly advocated social intercourse in mixed company, and has taken part in such gatherings himself.

He had been deliberately averse to crime in our streets! He has urged our Protestant and Jewish citizens to develop more catholic tastes, and last summer he committed a piscatorial act while aboard a boat flying the American Flag.

Now, I beg you my friends . . . oppose this man whose life, work and ideas are so openly and avowably compatible with our American way of life. A vote for him would be a vote for the perpetuation of everything we hold dear. The facts are clear! the record speaks for itself.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Follow the Leaders?

In my research of the GOP's leaders and elected officials, I have noted a few . . . PROBLEMS. The GOP is rapidly getting rid of their more moderate and saner officials and putting into prominent jobs people like Michael Steele. Then they go out and actually believe people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Fox News.

So . . . I got to looking at some of the people who call themselves Conservative. You know, people that might be attracted to the GOP. Here is what I found:

According to the latest Harris Interactive Poll, when asked is Barack Obama was a Muslim, 57% of the Republicans answered Yes. When asked if they thought Obama was about to take away Americans' right to own guns, 61% of the Republicans said YES. 41% of the Republicans think Obama is anti-American. To top it all off 24% of the Republicans think he is the Anti-Christ!

Now how could this all happen? It is easy, look to whom the Republicans listen. People like the afore mentioned Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Fox News! So I decided to check out what was coming out of these sources.

Rush Limbaugh recently suggested that, "The explosion of the Oil Platform in the Gulf was probably the work of Wacko Environmentalists." Then he went on later to state, "The ocean will take care of this on its own if it is left alone and left out there. It's natural, it is as natural as the ocean water is." Pardon me but arsenic, mercury and lead are also natural. I don't think I want to be exposed to them to any great extent.

Sarah Palin has continued to promote off shore oil drilling in the middle of the oil slick coming ashore. She still is pushing the U. S. to "Drill, baby, Drill!"

Michelle Bachmann has stated, " . . .the swine flu broke out under another Democrat President Jimmie Carter. And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it is an interesting coincidence." On CO2 as being harmful to the environment, Bachmann stated, "Carbon Dioxide is being portrayed as being harmful. But there is even one study that can be produced that can show that Carbon Dioxide is a harmful gas." And last but certainly not least she said, "If we took away minimum wage . . . we could virtually wipe out unemployment because we could offer jobs at whatever level."

Sean Hannity, back in 2003 said, "Iraqis are not going to be bombed by the United States. The U. S. will use pinpoint accuracy like they always do."

Michael Steele once said, "The problem we have with this president is that we don't know him. He was not, vetted folks . . . not vetted!" Steele forgot that we all had several months to look at everyone running and the Obama won a Nation wide election.

These are a few of the people that are leading the Republicans and are forming the Republicans' opinions. I think I would be in fear of the GOP not being around in about 15 years, if I were one of them. The sane ones are going to the Democrats and the less sane ones are now Tea Baggers, way off on the Right (incorrect) side.

Friday, May 7, 2010


There is a lot going on today in the political fabric of the country. Some of it is out in the open, but some of it is down deep in the tufts of that fabric, almost hidden.

Exposed to the light of day already have been "Oath Keepers." Be very careful, they sound right but they forget to tell you about those "Orders We Will Not Obey." They don't tell you who it is that determines what qualifies as an order they will obey. In the Real America the Supreme Court says what is constitutional and what isn't. In the Oath Keepers, that court doesn't exist. And, to top it all off these people have been trained in weapons, in most cases, by the same government they want to disobey. In the Oath Keepers, the individual determines what orders they will obey. Can you imagine what would happen during a war or other armed conflict if the individual soldier determined what orders he or she would obey?

More recently there has been a rise in a couple of new "Militia" type organizations. One is called "American Grand Jury." This seems to be a loosely organized group of citizens that want to take the law into their own hands. Citizen's arrest and "Common Law" juries are their trademark and mostly they are an older group. On the other hand we are starting to see more of the "Council of Conservative Citizens." This is and outgrowth of the old "White Citizens Council," a white supremacy group. Be careful of all these groups. Any group that puts one group above another, or one group below another, are people of which you should be cautious.

Here are some other organizations in Arkansas of which you need to be aware:
National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations Revival, the Nation of Islam, and the Aryan Terror Brigade have groups all over Arkansas.

In the Ozarks we have:
--Heritage Connection, Christian Books and Things, Kingdom Identity Ministries, Knights of the KKK, and Ozark Craft LC all of Harrison.
--The Church of Jesus Christ and White Pride Home School Resource Center in Bergman.
--League of the South in Hot Springs, Mammoth Springs and Alpena.
--White Revolution and The Natural State Skinheads of Russelville.
--Tightrope of Calico Rock.

To my friends out in California, you also have several groups that are statewide. Some of those are the Aryan Nations Revival, Knights of the Nordic Order, KKK, Black Panthers, League of the South, Nation of Islam, and the Volksfront.

To my New Mexico Friends:
--The Front Line Aryans work throughout the state.

To my family in Maryland:
--You have everything under the sun in your state. If they hate, or if they love too much or too hard . . . they probably need to be avoided.

To my family in Texas:
--Texas is so large that it has everything under the sun going after it. The biggies in the Ft. Worth area are groups calling themselves "European-American Unity and Rights Organizations." You also have League of the South, The National Alliance as well as the obvious ones like the KKK, and various Skinhead groups.

In Southern California you have:
--American Renaissance, American Third Position, Biblical Family Advocates, Freedom 14, Golden State Party, Institute for Historical Review, the Noontide Press, OMNI Christian Book Club and White Revolution.

If you are aware of any of these organizations or if one of your friends has become involved in one, this is your warning. They are very seductive and very dangerous.