The Republicans, in the past 18 months or so, have become known as the party of "NO." More recently they have become the party of deception and lies.
There have been "Death Panels." There was, for a short time, rumors that Obama was going to take away your guns and tax ammunition to the point that no one could buy it anymore. People went out and bought guns and ammo by the case to hoard. Reminded me of Y2K and the hoarding of food and guns and gold because paper money wasn't going to exist after the year 2000.
Here are just a few of the things that have recently passed as "Fact."
John Boehner, one of the most abundant purveyors of false information, recently posted on his website, "Forcing Americans off of their current health coverage and onto a government-run plan isn't the answer, but that's exactly what the Democrats' plan would do."
I've been studying the health care reform proposals in both the House and the Senate for some time now. All the plans have rules that would prevent people from being "forced" off their current health coverage and into a government-run plan.
John Boehner has lied to you once again.
Nancy Pfotenhauer, a Republican operative and almost as prolific a liar as Boehner, recently stated, "The president's health care proposals will cause most Americans to have their premiums increased, not decreased, and hundreds of millions of people lose their current insurance coverage."
The fact is that Health care reform does not increase premiums and boot people out of their coverage. In an interesting display of chutzpah from a television pundit, Republican strategist Nancy Pfotenhauer claimed on CNN that she understood perfectly the president's health care proposals, then proceeded to distort them and openly lie about their meaning and purpose. When contacted to cite her sources on this claim, she never responded, and they are all false.
In a recent Republican Chain Email I received, it stated, "In the health care bill, 'The Health Choices Commissioner' will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None."
The explanation is that people who don't get insurance through work or another group will go to the health care exchange; it's designed to help people who have to go off on their own to buy health insurance, and for small businesses with few employees. The reason for the exchange is that the government wants to regulate insurers to make sure that health plans clearly explain what they offer, can't refuse people for pre-existing conditions, and must offer basic levels of service.
"This is designed to protect consumers from plans that have outrageous cost-sharing or really limited benefits," said Jennifer Tolbert, an independent health care analyst at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan foundation that studies health care reform.
On March 9th of this year, Rush Limbaugh stated, "because of Obama, people can't go fishing anymore."
Apparently, Rush had picked this up from some Right Wing Blogger and stated it as fact. Then Glen Beck got hold of it and repeated it on his evening TV show on FOX News. And so it goes.
And the beat goes on:
Scott Brown said, "The stimulus Bill didn't create one new job." WRONG
Virginia Foxx said, ""The economy began its nose dive when Democrats took control of
Congress in January 2007." WRONG
Rush Limbaugh stated, "There are "high administrative costs" when you donate to
Haiti relief through the White House Web site." WRONG
Rudy Giuliani told us, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush." WRONG
Glenn Beck reported, "In the health care bill, we're now offering insurance for dogs."
Rush Limbaugh once stated, "President Obama . . . wants to mandate circumcision."
Michael Steele said, "The Department of Veterans Affairs has a manual out there
telling our veterans stuff like, 'Are you really of value to your community?' You
know, encouraging them to commit suicide."
I just heard a Republican Representative ask for the House to "Stand With Us" against Heath Care because it is patriotic. Yet when they were in power, the Republicans passed tax cuts for the wealthy, and deregulation for the big banking interests. They did nothing for the working class!
All of these are not just lies, they are blatant lies! When you lie to the people enough, those people will no longer trust you. They will learn to pass you by and you will be left wondering, "What the hell happened?"
And so it has come to pass that the party of NO, has become the party of lies. Be careful out there. There are those out to get you and they are wrapped in the flag, they are holding a cross, and they swing a mean trunk!
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