Saturday, August 29, 2009


What I've done is take Genesis and put it into words that make sense to me. It is amazing what a difference there is when you just change "God" into "The Laws and Forces of Nature." Another thing that is amazing is how little is really changed. Break out your Bible and see what I've done.

Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature created the heavens and the Earth. The Earth was at first a changing mass of chaos with all the natural laws fermenting within and above the primordial swamps. Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature let there be light, and the light did wondrous things within the swamps and to the gases above the swamps. Because of the rotation of the Earth mass, the light and dark periods were divided into what is now known as day and night respectively.

The laws and forces of Nature let there be an atmosphere between the liquids, the vapors and the clouds.
Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature let the liquids run together into basins, and dry land which is now called earth began to appear, and the liquid filled basins are now called the seas.

Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature let grasses, herbs and various fruits evolve which were seed bearing, and those seed brought forth more grasses, herbs and fruits.

Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature forced the atmosphere to clear enough that the stars and Moon shown at night, and the Sun was bright during the day. The stars, Moon, Sun, and the tilt of the Earth axis coincidentally could be used for directions, seasons, days, and years.

Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature let living things evolve in the seas; amphibians, reptiles, fish, and mammals. Every land creature that moves came from the seas. Above the dry land evolved the flying creatures which became birds.

Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature let evolve on Earth living creatures of all kinds. These creatures continued to improve, each giving to the next generation everything that was needed to survive in the changing world and leaving off things that might be detrimental.

Over a long period, the laws and forces of Nature let humans evolve with the mental capacity to be able to dominate everything in the seas, in the air, and on the land.

The laws and forces of Nature had so evolved all living things, plant and animal, that humans now had everything that they needed to survive if they managed and respected the other living things as part of the human’s own survival.

Genesis, chapter 2
At this point the Earth became somewhat stabilized and all the creatures on Earth continued their evolution, taking with them what they could to survive. To insure the continuation of humankind, each had to work hard to feed everyone for whom they were responsible. The people soon realized that periodically their fragile bodies needed to rest in order to continue the work that was needed to survive.

These are the generations of the sky and of the Earth when they were created, in the periods that Nature made the Earth and sky, and let the plants evolve even before humans evolved, and when rains came, everything flourished. Nature promoted the evolution of humans, and humans drifted to places where there was water and various tree-growth so they could eat from the fruits of the trees. One of these cases was in Eden, where all sorts of fruit trees grew. In this great garden in Eden, Nature evolved two of many humans.

Because the humans had no work to do but eat of the abundance of the fruits and vegetables, they found plenty of time to contemplate life and the goods and evils that might be wrought. But, the humans found that if they tended the trees and vegetables, that they produced more, and for a longer period of time. So, if the humans worked at it, the garden would produce enough that they would never go hungry. By working hard they ate well, but never had time to contemplate life, and its goods and evils. The humans realized that if they ever stopped tending the garden, their food supply might stop producing, and they would go hungry or have to leave. The humans started to develop language and gave the animals and plants names.

Genesis, chapter 3
Now, free thought was more subtle than any of the vices which humans had acquired. One of the humans thought, “Why should we be working all the time? We should take time off from our toils, we can eat from all these trees but we have no time to relax and enjoy ourselves, and study about life and its’ goods and evils.”

The human looked around at all the fruits and vegetables in the garden. The human’s thoughts said that they would not die of starvation if they relaxed and didn’t tend the garden for just a few days. It is in the nature of humans to believe that good can be realized and evil overcome if one just thinks about it long enough. So, on human sat back and relaxed and studied about life and all of its great and evil things, and convinced an other to do the same. They both considered how they might do well for others, or take advantage of others to their own benefit.

Upon basic consideration they realized that what they had planned was evil, and they were ashamed of their thoughts. They hid their faces in their hands and realized that they had an evil nature, and the established society has since then considered independence or free thinking a basic evil.

LORE: (From now on, snakes and women will be enemies, as will all of serpent’s children and her children. The serpent will strike at her heel and she will strike at its head. The woman shall bear children painfully, yet women shall seek their husbands affections, and he shall be her master)

Because the humans had spent so much time in thought, nature had let grow thorns, thistles, and weeds. The fruits and vegetables stopped their production and the people were forced to eat weeds, thorns and thistles.

People worked hard and had to sweat to raise grain, to make bread to eat. People are made of the elements and shall return to the elements.

Adam, the man, called the woman Eve (Life), because all humans are produced by woman. Nature provided clothing for humans from dead animal skins. Humans became one with nature, and left the oasis and grew crops elsewhere. Now, humans and nature were equal, and the people possessed the knowledge to survive on the Earth till the end.


  1. That's an interesting interpretation, one I had never thought of before. I've gone from a literalist to seeing it as metaphor but I think you offer a unique contribution to look at it in another way. The more perspectives, the better! Then it seems easier to sort out the truth, I think.

  2. Matthew,
    Why not pass this link around among friends and then have a discussion on its worth and merit. There are a lot of places in the Bible that you can easily substitute a phrase or word, then it all makes sense. Give it a try, you'll be surprised at what comes out. In fact, you'll be surprised at how clear things become.

  3. When one reviews theological/philosophical writings or positions, one should pay close attention to the writer's cosmological assumptions. As with all other arguments/syllogisms, the premises or assumptions can significantly affect the conclusions. What you appear to be doing is trying to substitute the "laws of nature" for "God" and trying to suggest that if the substituiton can make equal or greater sense then the bible does not "prove" that there is a God. That, I suppose is a legitimate way to approach the inquiry. But if the scripture was originally written as you suggest and someome came along later and reversed the substitution, would that not also allow for doubt of the original? Is the bible, God's proof of his existence? I have often wondered, if I was God, how would I prove that I existed, particularly if my purpose for the creation of the world and humankind was "love". There can be no love without free will, otherwise we would just be robotic slaves compelled to love.

    But let me get back to the reason I started this comment. I think you may have made an unintentional mistake in the very beginning of your writing. You start out with: "Over a long period..." This is different than "In the beginning..." Those are significantly different phrases that allow for variable cosmological premises/conclusions. For instance, if God is not of this world (ie a transcendent God) and if he created this world and us out of NOTHING then it can be said (from our point of view) that the there is a beginning of the physical world. Along this line is the interesting question of the nature of man. Are we only physical beings of this physcial world or are we true persons with free will with one foot in the physical world and part of us in the spiritual world. Remember that the determinists among us believe that everything is predetermined by the laws of nature. But if somehow a part of us is not of this world can we possibly have a will free of the physical forces of nature. Are we persons called to freely find and share with one another in love? If we allow for my unprovable cosmological premise of a mystical union of physcial/spiritual personhood then it is possible that we have free will. With my premise you can not prove determinism. Of course it does not necessarily prove free will either.

    If you were to keep the initial phrase: "in the beginning..", then your reader must still wonder where or when did the physical world start and where did the physical laws of nature come from? One can still not rule out that God created them all out of NOTHING.

  4. Themis
    First I'd like to thank you for reading and commenting on this post. It encourages me to find people that have taken a critical view of it and that it started them thinking, as it appears to have done with you.

    Now, I must remind you that this was written for me and me alone . . . all I've done is share it with everyone. I am not trying to convince anyone to think my way. I'm just trying to convice people to think. This wasn't written as an arguement/syllogism. It was written in order that I get my thoughts together and make the Bible meaningful to me. I encourage you to do the same thing. If King James pleases you, then leave it alone. If it doesn't then have at it. If my version doesn't mean anything to you then do your own.

    The reason that I started with "Over a long period of time" is because the Earth forming and populating with what we have now didn't happen "In the beginning." It only happened a very short time ago. Some say the beginning was 14.5 billion years ago and what is written here is only a few million years ago.

    I am not trying to prove anything, I'm only trying to make meaningful what is written in the Bible. And, this is about as close as I can get.
